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Exhibiting at The Other Art Fair Dallas

It's official, I'm going to Dallas! I'll be exhibiting in The Other Art Fair Dallas at the Dallas Market Hall May 9-12, 2024. This is exciting for me since this is the first event of this type and format that I will participate in. Saatchi Art is the main presenter and they hand-pick the artists through applications. I will have more details as the time comes closer. I'm testing out the smallest booth size, but I think it is plenty to start with. The back wall is eight linear feet and side wings are four linear feet each. I am planning a variety of sizes, so as of late I have painted a few 12" x 12" works and have a few more small scale planned. 

Checking out the Spring Dallas fair, I could see that everyone sold art and that it did not matter whether an artist had large or small booths. In-fact, my impression was that the largest booth size might not be necessary since the exhibitors were not galleries but rather individual artists, plus the walls were fairly tall. 

What I have to do between now and the fair will be to assess the works available, find out which works are already framed, find out what frames I have available and what works to match to them, plan what frames I will still need, and what works could be matted and placed in an art bin instead of hung. 

So, I'm pleased, excited, and in the heat of working toward this huge goal all at the same time.


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